Equity Innovation Fund Application Page

The application must be completed in one sitting. Progress cannot be saved. If you navigate away from the application while in progress, you will need to begin again. You are strongly encouraged to download the fund information (linked at www.UnitedWayRacine.org/EIF) to prepare your responses in advance and then copy and paste into the application webform. Paper and/or emailed applications will not be considered.

Immediately following the submission of this application form, the individual listed as the Primary Contact will receive an auto-generated confirmation email. The Primary Contact must immediately respond to that email with the following attachments required of all applicants: 

  • Proof of IRS determination of 501(c)3 or 170 status
  • Completed United Way of Racine County Equity Innovation Fund Budget Template (available for download at www.UnitedWayRacine.org/EIF)
  • Letter(s) of support from partner organizations (if applicable)

In addition, requests for $10,000 and above must provide the following: 

  • Board roster, including board member names, affiliations and board roles
  • Organizational budget 
  • An audit or audited financial statements as required by the State of Wisconsin Statue 202.12 (1)(b)

Failure to submit the required attachments will render the application ineligible for review.

  • Current Eligibility screening
  • Organization information
  • Application questions
  • Narrative: Project/Program
  • Narrative: Population Served
  • Narrative: Outcomes and Impact
  • Budget and Terms
  • Complete

Eligibility screening

Are you currently a funded partner of United Way of Racine County receiving allocations?
Does your organization serve residents of Racine County, WI?
Is your organization able to provide detailed financial reports and board-approved budgets?
Has your organization been legally incorporated for at least six months?
Is your organization tax exempt as described in section 501(c)(3) OR allowed to receive charitable contributions under Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code?
Are you able to provide an audit or audited financial statements as required by the State of Wisconsin Statue 202.12 (1)(b)?
Is your organization governed by a local voluntary board of directors, and has this board approved this application for funding?
Does your organization maintain a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity, and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Is your organization eligible to receive charitable contributions as described in section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code?

Based on the information provided, your organization is not eligible to apply for funding.