Women United

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Mobilizing the Power of Women to Create a World of Opportunity

Created and led by women, Women United® is a global force of more than 75,000 women representing United Ways from across the country, all dedicated to effecting change in their local communities. United Way of Racine County’s Women United® supports United Way’s efforts to build a better community by supporting women and children in the areas of literacy, financial stability and mental health.


Our members are united in their passion for community and giving back. Life-changing programs require funding, and we ask members to demonstrate their passion by making a personal financial commitment. To inquire about joining Women United, just fill out this brief form.

Contributions can be made by check, credit card, monthly bank transfer or payroll deduction. Donations can be made to United Way of Racine County or directly to Women United. 

As a Women United® member, you will share your time and talents with an amazing group of women who not only want to see positive change in the community—they want to create it.

  • You will build strong bonds with like-minded community leaders, deepen your knowledge of community issues, and support women and children by sharing your wisdom, service and generosity.
  • Receive invites to the Women United Meet and Greet and to Power of the Purse, happening in spring 2024
  • Participate in two volunteer projects with our grantees – one in February/March 2024 and the second July/August 2024

Executive Committee Members:

  • Chair: Frances Kis
  • Vice chair: Julie Podoba
  • Angela Allen
  • Amanda Bulgrin
  • Francesca Bumpurs
  • Laura Matter
  • Dina Richman
  • Gina Sorenson

AAUW Racine Branch:  www.racine-wi.aauw.net

Junior League of Racine:  Katie Jensen - president@jlracine.org

Professional Women's Network for Service, Inc.:  www.pwnsinc.org

Racine Women for Racial Justice: www.rwrj.org

Tempo Racine:  Carolyn Friesch, president, carolynn.friesch@gmail.com


Brighter Future Fund

Through the creation of the Brighter Future Fund, Women United® shows its commitment to supporting United Way of Racine County’s goal of building a better community for all. This fund, which is separate from United Way’s community campaign, offers grant opportunities to programs aiding women and children. Annual grants are available to programs that have a focus on literacy, financial stability and mental health. Grant recipients are determined by the Women United® executive committee.

2023 Grant Recipients

  • Awesome Young Authors Awards and Community – RiseHER: Empowerment Entrepreneurship Program
    • Uplift and support women and girls in their entrepreneurial journey. Develop skills, financial literacy and build networks.
    • https://www.theayaawards.org

  • BeLEAF Survivors – SCAN (Stop Child Abuse & Neglect)
    • Aligns with on-time graduation by helping kids stay in school and getting the help they need when abuse happens. Without a safe start or place, children face barriers to success and the cycle of pain continues.
    • https://beleafsurvivors.org
  • Big Sisters of Greater Racine Inc. – Mentor Program
  • Faith Hope & Love – Duffels for Kids
  • Professional Women In Trades – Teens in Trades Day
    • Teens in Trades Day is an empowering, powerful, and innovative event to inspire middle school and high school boys and girls to get excited about a nontraditional field as a career option.
    • https://womenstrades.com/events
  • Racine Vocational Ministry – Second Chance Program for Women
    • Programming for female re-entrants that allows them to gain work experience, address negative and antisocial thinking patterns, build their resumes and develop the skills needed to obtain sustainable employment and financial stability.
    • https://www.rvmracine.org/
  • Racine Zoological Society – COZI Program and Lil Explorers Program
    • COZI Program – Animal program for residents of Bethany Apartments and HALO. Brings animal experiences, arts and crafts to those who don’t have access to join groups otherwise.
    • Lil Explorers Program – Preschool “mommy and me” styled classes for kids aged two and a half to five years old. Develop letter and number sounds plus learn shapes and colors
    • https://racinezoo.org
  • SAFE Haven of Racine – Girls Inc. Elementary School Programs
    • After-school programming in the GirlsStart program. It is designed to increase literacy skills, self-esteem and success of first and second grade girls whose academic performance is below grade level.
    • https://safehavenofracine.org/

  • WI Panthers / 3PS – Junior Career Academy
    • Junior Police and Junior Fire Academies. Work with mentors in those fields and learn about the jobs and requirements.
    • https://panthersyouth.com
  • Women’s Resource Center – Moving Ahead Program
    • Financial literacy training to survivors of domestic abuse. Helps them to achieve financial independence and rebuild their lives.
    • https://www.wrcracinewi.com/

Power of the Purse

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 6th annual Power of the Purse.  It was a huge success - we raised just over $17,000 to support women and children in Racine County.  The 7th annual Power of the Purse will be in May 2025, stayed tuned for a confirmed date.  Visit the Power of the Purse page for more information on how to bid and to sign up to be notified when registration opens.

At Women United's annual Power of the Purse luncheon, we auction purses, handbags, beauty products, certificates to local business, and more to support the Brighter Future Fund. If you're interested in contributing purses or funding, please fill out the Donate Purses, Items or Money to Power of the Purse form.

For more information, please contact Tracie Feest at 262-898-2242.