Now accepting applications for cohort 2 starting on May 20!
Have you thought about serving on a nonprofit board but are unsure where to start? Or maybe you have some board experience but want to broaden your skills with training from experts in board leadership?
United Horizons Board Training Program helps to prepare community members to serve on nonprofit boards. The program is available to Racine County residents and FREE to all participants.
United Horizons offers two tracks to choose from:
- 7 sessions for individuals looking to gain leadership and nonprofit board experience and knowledge.
- 3 sessions geared towards representatives from nonprofit organizations who would like to further develop best practices in board management and creating safe spaces.
Both tracks will conclude in a matchmaking session that brings together individual participants and nonprofit representatives, with a goal of matching each individual participant to a nonprofit board.
Who can apply?
- Anyone can apply to join the FREE individual program.
- Representatives from Racine County nonprofit organizations can apply for the organizational track.
United Horizons Board Training Program is made possible by a grant from the Volunteer Generation Fund in partnership with AmeriCorps and Serve Wisconsin.
Session Topics: For Individuals Seeking Board Training
Program Kick off and Orientation: Tuesday, May 20 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Opportunity to engage and network with fellow cohorts and representatives from local nonprofit boards
- Current nonprofit board members will share their experiences and answer questions
- An in-depth look at data for the city and county, allowing participants to understand the issues and the nonprofits in the community
Nonprofit Boards 101: Tuesday, May 27 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Participants will learn the basics and best practices of general nonprofit board mechanics, role and responsibilities
Fundraising and Finance 101: Tuesday, June 3 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Participants will gain a basic understanding of nonprofit financial management, fundraising, and compliance to prepare them for board service
Governance and Advocacy: Tuesday, June 10 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Participants will leave this session being able to effectively advocate for an organization, policy, or position within the nonprofit context
Being an Ethical Board Member: Tuesday, June 17 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Participants will learn how to identify their legal, ethical and fiduciary responsibilities as a member of a nonprofit board
Finding a Fit and Using Your Voice to Make an Impact: Tuesday, June 24 - 4:00-7:00 p.m.
- Participants will complete and analyze the Clifton Strengths assessment
Reflect, Celebrate, and Move Forward: Tuesday, July 7 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Celebrate completion of the program
- Receive headshots for networking
- Explore board opportunities by looking into local nonprofits
United Horizons Connection Event: Monday, July 14: Hosted by the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread
Individual participants and organizational participants will meet and identify possible matches
Session Topics: For Organizations Building a Diverse Board
Program Kickoff and Orientation: Tuesday, MAY 20 - 4:30-6:30 p.m.
- Opportunity to engage and network with fellow representatives from nonprofit board and individuals in search of board placement opportunities
Best Practices in Board Management: Thursday, June 5 - 9:00- 11:00 a.m.
- Facilitators will discuss best practices for board management, including recruiting, training and engaging board members
Building Effective Board Practices: Thursday, June 26 - 9:00-12:00 p.m.
- Dr. Kimberly Payne will present
- Participants will also hear from current board members
Matchmaking and Graduation: Monday, July 14 4:30-6:30 p.m. at The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread
- Individual participants and organizational participants will meet and identify possible matches
United Horizons Q&A
Here are some additional questions and answers you may have about United Horizons. If you have questions that are unanswered, please contact Special Projects Manager Katie Tuttle via email at ktuttle@unitedwayracine.org.
Q: How much does this program cost?
A: United Horizons is presented with a grant from Serve Wisconsin and United Way of Racine and is free to all individual and organization participants.
Q: What can I tell my employer if I need to ask for time off for the training sessions?
A: We can help provide information about the program and the benefits to you and to your employer, as well as verify attendance at the sessions. Please indicate on the application form if you will need information to provide to your employer.
Q: How will I meet representatives of nonprofits after the training sessions?
A: The graduation and matchmaking session held after the completion of the program is designed to ensure representatives of nonprofits enrolled in the program meet the individuals in the program. The goal is to help both individuals and organizations find a good match for future members of nonprofit boards.
Q: Will there be follow-up to document the results of the program?
A: There is a 60-day tracking period following the conclusion of the training sessions. United Way of Racine County Special Projects Manager Katie Tuttle will follow up with individuals and organizations to track the number of matches made by individuals who completed the training program. Organizations will be asked to complete an organizational assessment to further understand the impact the training program has on the board.
Q: Can my organization help promote this training program?
A: Yes. We have a one-page flyer that can be printed and/or shared electronically.