Annual Report 2017


Rodney Prunty

Let me start by saying THANK YOU. In 2017, United Way of Racine County celebrated its 95th anniversary and what a special celebration it was.

Through our annual fundraising campaign, we raised the second largest amount in our history: $5,350,000. However, we could not have done it without all the great corporate partners, generous donors, tireless volunteers, and everyone else who was gracious enough to lend their time and support to our organization.

As you may already be aware, we have transitioned from a fundraising organization to an organization that focuses on impact, measurable outcomes, and positive community change.

We create impact because of the fundraising we do. Fundraising is the means; improving lives is the end. Both are equally important. Our strategic focus of Building an Educated Workforce helps achieve that end.

As we continue to execute our strategic plan, we’re beginning to see the results that we’d hoped to see in our fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our community.

In Health, by collaborating with community partners we engaged hundreds of people through special events and other efforts focused on mental health and recovery.

In Education, the LIFT strategy implemented at the Knapp Community School is changing a neighborhood one student at a time by providing after-school programming that helps improve academic achievement and reduce disciplinary referrals.

In Financial Stability, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program helped Racine County residents claim valuable tax credits that are an important resource to help them become financially stable.

These are examples of real impact and the true measure of our success as an organization. While we know there’s more work to be done, we are proud of what we have accomplished thus far.

Each year, our Annual Report is a chance to highlight the spectacular efforts we all made together toward our goal of Building an Educated Workforce in Racine County. You’ll notice this year’s report is a little different.

I hope you enjoy it and remember, we have one life, to live better we must LIVE UNITED.

Rodney Prunty 


United Way of Racine County fights for the health, education, adn financial stability of every person in our community. United we build an educated workforce in Racine County. No matter the obtacles. No matter the odds. We surround the community's most critical problems and we fight. Because change doesn't happen alone. Hope isn't a one-man band. And there's no such thing as self taught or self made. We have one life. To live better, we must LIVE UNITED.


Our Impact - Knapp Community School

600+ hours of after-school programming provided. 

Knapp Community School

Our Impact - Schools of Hope

3,600+ hours of tutoring provided by 161 tutors to 105 students in the Racine Unified School District. 

Schools of Hope

Our Impact - Imagination Library

40,639 books mailed to Racine County children. 

Imagination Library

Our Impact - VITA

$564,931 in tax refunds returned to community.


Our Impact - FamilyWize

$400,000+ saved on prescription medication.


Our Impact - Impact 2-1-1

24,374 calls for services in Racine County.

Impact 2-1-1

Our Impact - Youth As Resources

$5,700+ in grants to youth-led community service projects.

Youth As Resources

Our Impact - Veterans Initiative

New in 2017. Learn how we're helping local veterans.

Veterans Initiative

Our Impact - NFL Character Playbook

New in 2017. Learn how we're helping local middle schoolers.

NFL Character Playbook

Impact Stories: Health


Will Anderson is an 11-year-old boy diagnosed with Congenital Cerebellar Hypoplasia, or "small cerebellum." This causes motor skill and cognitive delays. For three years, Will has attended Camp Kinder, a youth summer camp organized through RADD that provides activities for disabled youth.


Chiquita is a wonderful example of giving a hand up and giving back. Chiquita is a single mother who was worn out by her daily commute from Waukegan to Racine. She needed a job near her home and family - which she found at Knapp Elementary, the community school her two children attend. 

Impact Stories: Education

Impact Stories: Financial Stability


David is a veterna who had his taxes filed with the help of United Way's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. His participation in VITA sparked a conversation between United Way and Veteran's Outreach, which partnered to bring financial literacy classes and a VITA site to the residents of Veteran's Outreach, where David works.


In 2017, United Way of Racine County celebrated 95 years of working to create postive change throughout our community. Here is a brief look back at United Way's history in Racine County. We look forward to coninuning our impact work as we build an educated workforce in Racine County.

Your Impact - 2017 Campaign Total

Second largest campaign total in United Way of Racine County's 95-year history.


Your Impact - Contributing Organizations

We are so grateful for our amazing corporate partners.


Your Impact - Corporate Gifts

We salute the companies that demonstrate their commitment to LIVE UNITED by supporting United Way.


Your Impact - Leadership Donors

Leadership Donors contribute $1,000 or more to the Annual Campaign.

Your Impact - Donors

We are thankful for the continued support of our generous community.

Your Impact - Average Leadership Gift

Thank you to all the leadership donors for showing what it means to LIVE UNITED

Your Impact - Volunteers

Thanks to all the individuals who volunteered their time helping our community.


Your Impact - Volunteer Hours

Give an hour. Give a day. Give your best.


Your Impact - Value of Volunteer Hours

Give a hour. Give a day. Give your best.


Our Impact Partners

Our Impact Partners - Health Partners

Our Impact Partners - Education Partners

Our Impact Partners - Financial Stability Partners

Our Impact Partners - Basic Needs Partners

Our Impact Partners - Community Workforce Fund


Board of Directors

Community Investment

Community Impact Leadership

Campaign Leadership


Tocqueville Society

Tocqueville Society members contribute $10,000 or more annually. 
Ruud Family Foundation 
Gus and Sandy Antonneau 
Tom and Ginee Burke 
H. Fisk Johnson 
Scott and Elaine Bowser 
Ms. Betty Brenneman 
Mr. Frank Canella 
Agnieszka and Mark Dahms 
John and Lyn Erskine 
Herb Kohl Philanthropies 
Imogene P. Johnson 
Craig Leipold and Helen Johnson-Leipold 
Anindita Mukherjee 
Alan and Patricia Ruud 
Christopher and Chantil Ruud 
Ted Sokoly and Nancy Toll 
Ernest and Bernice Styberg 
Mary and Willard T. Walker   
Fred and Sandra Young 
2 Donors chose to remain anonymous 

Chairman's Club

Chairman's Club companies are acknowledged for annual contributions of $50,000 or more. 
Andis Company 
CNH Industrial 
Educators Credit Union 
Johnson Financial Group 
Johnson Outdoors, Inc. 
Modine Manufacturing Company 
Racine Unified School District 
SC Johnson 
Twin Disc, Inc 
We Energies

Supporting Companies

Click HERE for a complete list of supporting companies.


Our Staff

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