Funding Opportunities

United Way of Racine County makes real change happen in the Racine County community by investing in funding opportunities that support the health, education, financial stability and basic needs of every person in Racine County.

To learn more about the various funding sources we offer, please see our community investment policies and procedures and see the links below. 

A person writing on a piece of paper.

Annual Investment

United Way of Racine County invests donor dollars into the community through the community investment process. Funding is invested in high-performing, nonprofit organizations that provide programs and services aligned with United Way's focus areas of health, education, financial stability and essential services.

People sitting at a table


One-time sponsorships for events/projects that align with UWRC's mission and support UWRC partners are available to local nonprofits. Funding is awarded up to $500, and there is no minimum amount. *Sponsorships are open for 2025.

The Women United Committee with Deanna Singh

Brighter Future Fund

The Brighter Future Fund is separate from United Way's community campaign, offers grant opportunities to programs aiding the development of family financial stability, early grade reading and high school graduation, with a focus on women and children. 

A person holding a young child on their shoulders.

Community Workforce Fund

United Way supports high-quality programs and projects serving Racine County residents that are not funded through the annual investment process. Projects and programs must identify emerging needs and service gaps that specifically support United Way's focus areas of health, education, financial stability and basic needs.

A photo of YAR students holding a check.

Youth as Resources (YAR)

Youth as Resources (YAR) is a youth-led grant program in which middle school students serving on the YAR board make funding recommendations to United Way's Community Investment Committee. YAR is now accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year. 

Two people working at a computer.

Wadewitz Funds

United Way funded impact partners can receive support for emergency capitol repairs by either applying for a grant for 50 percent of the funds needed or by applying for an interest-free loan for the repairs.  


Equity Through Technology Fund

The Equity Through Technology Fund invests in projects and programs that aim to increase equitable outcomes and reduce disparities for historically marginalized populations in Racine County through the use of technology. The fund is made possible through the generosity of Microsoft Corporation.