Schools of Hope Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a SOH volunteer tutor for the 2024-25 school year. Please look over the following information before filling out your application.

School info
  • Schools of Hope will provide support at Wadewitz and our three community schools: Knapp, Julian Thomas and the Academies of Racine Mitchell (AoR Mitchell). Please check the links below for locations and driving times.
  • All four schools have a need for English speaking tutors. In addition, AoR Mitchell, Julian Thomas and Wadewitz have a need for bilingual English/Spanish speaking volunteers to tutor students in the dual language program.
  • You will not select your specific tutoring location or time slots at this time. Once the intervention blocks for each school are provided, you will receive a link to a separate form to select the school, day and time that works best for you. We will then match your availability with a student that has been chosen to participate. 
  • Tutoring will begin the week of October 28, 2024, and end May 9, 2025.
  • Tutor teams can be formed to make the weekly commitment easier. Up to two volunteers can share the same volunteer assignment. Volunteers are responsible for scheduling and ensuring that someone is present for the assigned session. If you are volunteering as a team, each person is required to fill out the volunteer application. Please signal in your application that you are volunteering as part of a tutor team and list the other volunteer in the designated spot.
  • Background check - All volunteers are required to complete a background check through Sterling Volunteers.
    • Background check information will be emailed to volunteers on Monday, October 14. 
    • You must complete the background check requirements by Sunday, October 20. 
    • UWRC covers the cost of the background check. 
  • Orientation - All volunteers must attend one tutor orientation.
    • Returning tutor orientation is 30 minutes. New tutor orientation is 60 minutes.
    • Orientations are scheduled the weeks of September 30 and October 7.
    • In-person and virtual sessions are available.
  • Training - All volunteers must attend training on-site at one of the participating schools. 
    • Returning volunteers have the option to leave after the first 45 minutes. New volunteers are required to stay the full 90 minutes.
    • All on-site trainings are 5:30-7 p.m.
      • Monday, October 21, 2024 - AoR Mitchell
      • Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - Knapp
      • Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - Wadewitz
      • Thursday, October 24, 2024 - Julian Thomas
    • You may attend the on-site training that works best for your schedule. It is okay to attend a training at a location other than the school where you plan to volunteer. 

When filling out your information

  • New and returning tutors must complete this application to become for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Your application must be completed and submitted in one session. If you navigate away from the page, your progress will not be saved.
  • Please do not complete the application in ALL CAPS or all lower case.
  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be completed in order for your application to be submitted.
  • We recommend using Google Chrome to complete this application.
  • Additional questions can be directed to Initiatives Director Lori Riffer at or 262-456-6468.

Tutor Application

Volunteer information
Contact information
Emergency contact information
Volunteer interest and availability
Volunteer interest
Please select one.
I plan to attend returning tutor orientation.
Please select the orientation that you would like to attend. In-person will be held at United Way offices, 2000 Domanik Dr. If you select virtual,  you will receive a meeting link via email.
I plan to attend new tutor orientation.
Please select the orientation that you would like to attend. In-person will be held at United Way offices, 2000 Domanik Dr. If you select virtual,  you will receive a meeting link via email.
Tutor training
All trainings are held from 5:30-7pm. Please select the in-school training that you are able to attend. All trainings cover the same information. Returning tutors are given the option to leave after the first 45 minutes. New tutors are required to stay for the full time.
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and individuals with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By volunteering to provide in-person services you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
Is there any additional information that I should know? Feel free to add questions, comments and/or concerns here.
Volunteer demographics
The information provided in this section will not be connected to your name. 
How do you describe your race?
How do you describe your ethnicity?
This will confirm that the undersigned, having the sole right to do so, for good and valuable consideration (the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged), grants to United Way of Racine County, to include United Way Worldwide and its affiliated organizations, members, successors, assigns and licensees, a non-exclusive and irrevocable right to photograph, record, reproduce, publish, copyright, or otherwise use my name, photographic portraits or pictures, film, videos, internet postings, or sound recordings or any part thereof that may have been taken of me during United Way events and/or activities in written or electronic format, video or film (Content) for promotional, advertising, or other charitable purposes in any media including the world wide web related to the United Way community impact activities. This also includes any tweets or messages through social media.

I acknowledge and agree that nothing contained herein requires United Way to use any Content as described herein.

I represent and warrant that the consent of no other third party is required to enable United Way to use the Content as described herein, and that such use will not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third parties.

I acknowledge and agree that United Way has the right to assign this agreement and/or the rights herein (in whole or in part) to any party.

I acknowledge that its sole remedy for any breach shall be an action for damages, and irrevocably waive any right to obtain equitable or injunctive relief.

I waive any right of inspection, preapproval, or claims for compensation.

I am of full age and have the right to contract in your own name and have read the above consent and permission and are fully aware of its contents. In the event I am a minor, the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required. I will contact United Way of Racine County to make further arrangements.

This Consent and Release contains the full and complete understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings pertaining hereto and cannot be modified except by a writing signed by each party.
Racine Unified School District and United Way of Racine County require all volunteers working with students to have a current background check on file. After completing your volunteer orientation, you will receive an email with a link that will take you to the Sterling Volunteer application. 

I understand that my eligibility to be a volunteer is dependent on my background check results. 

I understand that Racine Unified School District and United Way of Racine County shall not be held liable in any respect if my volunteering is terminated because of false or incomplete statements, answers or omissions made by me on the disclosure form of any other document.

If accepted as a volunteer, I understand that I will be expected to keep in absolute confidence any and all confidential information that comes to my attention as the direct result of my volunteer duties.

Interested in helping out?