Mitchell became Racine County's third community school in the 2021-22 school year. Mitchell is a 4K-8th-grade school that offers a variety of resources to students and families, including a dual language program. Learn more about Mitchell on its website and Facebook page.
Upcoming Events
January 19
Graffiti Night with Mrs. Marquez, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Enter through Door 1
February 22 (29- Rain Date)
Black History Month Celebration, 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the Playground
March 19
Who Runs the World? Girls!, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Enter through Door 1.
April 19
PTSA's Daddy Daughter Dance, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Ticketed event.
May 30
Title I Event, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Enter through Door 1.
Focus on Community
FAST (Families and Schools Together)
1240 Washington Ave.
Racine, WI 53403
(262) 632-6200
John XXIII Educational Center: a ministry of St. Patrick's Parish
High School Support Program
Middle School Support Program
1101 Douglas Avenue
Racine, WI 53402
(262) 721-4565
Racine Family YMCA
Teen Achievers
Young Achievers
Family Service of Racine Y Branch
420 Seventh Street
Racine WI 53403
(P) 262.634.1994
(O) 262.898.4763
SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc.
Girls Inc. Middle School Programs
1030 Washington Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
(262) 637-9559 x106
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension
Early Learning and School Readiness Project
UW-Madison, 432 North Lake Street, 104 Extension Building, Madison, WI 53706
(262) 767-2916
Youth for Christ - Southeastern Wisconsin
Parent Life
3001 Carpenter Avenue, Mount Pleasant, WI 53403
(262) 633-9016
Burlington Transitional Living Center, Inc.
482 South Pine Street Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 767-1478
Catherine Marian Housing, Inc.
Bethany Apartments
806 Wisconsin Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
(262) 633-9446
HALO, Inc. (Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization)
HALO Shelter Program
2000 DeKoven Avenue, Unit #1 Racine, WI 53403
(262) 456-8366
Health Care Network, Inc.
Health Care Services
500 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #102, Racine, WI 53403
(262) 632-2400
6737 W Washington St #2225, Milwaukee, WI 53214
(414) 256-4808 or 211
Racine County Food Bank
Emergency Food Distribution
2000 DeKoven Avenue, Unit #2, Racine, WI 53403
(262) 632-2307
SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc.
Youth Shelter and Outreach Programs
1030 Washington Avenue Racine, WI 53403
(262) 637-9559 x106
The Arc of Racine County, Inc.
Arc 100%ers: Peer mentoring group for adults with disabilities
6216 Washington Avenue, Suite C-5, Mount Pleasant, WI 53406
(262) 634-6303
The Cerebral Palsy Agency of Racine County, Inc.
Camp Kinder
3312 Washington AvenueRacine, WI 53405
(262) 633-0291
Volunteer Center of Racine
Get Connected
6216 Washington Avenue, Racine, WI 53406
(262) 886-9612
Women's Resource Center of Racine, Inc.
Empowerment Program
P.O. Box 1764 Racine, WI 53401 (262) 633-3274
Housing Resources, Inc. - Racine
Homebuyer Education & Counseling
500 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 205 Racine, WI 53403
(262) 636-8271
Racine County
Racine Family YMCA Focus on Fathers Initiative
1717 Taylor Avenue Racine, WI 53403
(262) 638-6695
Racine Family YMCA
First Choice Pre-Apprenticeship Training
Family Service of Racine Y Branch 420 Seventh Street Racine, WI 53403
(P) (262) 634-1994
(O) (262) 898-4763
Racine Literacy Council
Racine Literacy Council: Adult Literacy Program
734 Lake Avenue, Racine, WI 53403
(262) 632-9495
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
YWCA SEW High School Equivalency Diploma Program (HSED)
1915 N Doctor M.L.K. Dr Milwaukee, WI 53212
(414) 267-3120
Alliance on Mental Illness of Racine County, Inc.
NAMI Racine County
2300 DeKoven Avenue Racine, WI 53403
(262) 637-0582
https://www.namiracinecount y.org/
Stop Child Abuse & Neglect
2000 Domanik Drive, 4th floor Racine, WI 53404
(262) 619-1634
Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin d/b/a Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services
Child and Family Counseling
620 S. 76th Street Milwaukee, WI 53214
(414) 292-4170
Focus on Community
Substance Abuse Prevention Program
1240 Washington Ave., Racine, WI, 53403
(262) 632-6200
Racine Family YMCA
Family Service of Racine Supervised Visitation & Safe Exchange
Family Service of Racine Y Branch 420 Seventh Street Racine, WI 53403
(P) (262) 634-1994
(O) (262) 898-4763
Racine Friendship Clubhouse
Work-Ordered Day
2000 17th Street Racine, WI 53403
(262) 636-9393
Sexual Assault Services
BeLEAF Survivors seeks to provide a safe and compassionate environment to promote hope and healing after sexual assault. The “LEAF” portion of BeLEAF means lifting, empowering, advocating, and fighting for survivors, allies, and a culture of consent. The Sexual Assault Services program of BeLEAF Survivors is deemed the “Sexual Assault Service Provider” for Racine County by the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and as such is the only program in our county that is dedicated to the full continuum of needs of sexual assault victims. Services include a 24 hour crisis line, 24 hour hospital response, family advocacy at the Racine County Child Advocacy Center, personal and legal advocacy, counseling/therapy, support groups, and community awareness/education. All of our services are available in English and Spanish and are provided free of charge.
Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin d/b/a Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Community Services
Children's Wisconsin School Based Mental Health
Children’s provides an array of mental and behavioral health services at urban, suburban and rural schools across the state. Our school-based approach increases access to early intervention by treating kids quickly in a comfortable, accessible, familiar setting that families already know and trust. Our mental health professionals partner with school guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists, teachers, parents and administrators to provide comprehensive, integrated programs of prevention, identification and treatment of mental and behavioral health concerns within the school setting.
Focus on Community
Opportunities Club
Opportunities Club is an after school and summer programming series for 3rd - 5th grade youth that provides unique educational experiences. This program is facilitated by Focus programming staff and also utilizes high school students as Teen Peer Mentors. The program teaches topics ranging from cooking to robotics, while at the same time helping participants develop skills that will reduce the likelihood that they engage in risky behavior. It is essential that we take a holistic approach in preventing substance abuse and other risky behavior. We know that after school and during the summer are times when youth have a greater risk of choosing to engage in activities that may lead them to dangerous or pattern forming behaviors. Opportunities Club provides participants with wholesome, engaging and productive activities that help promote positive decision making, set them on a better path for their future and introduces new activities that may help to discover a new passion!
Advancing Family Assets
The Advancing Family Assets (AFA) program promotes family success and stability by providing one-on-one coaching and support with a focus on three key areas: income, health, and education. Coaches work with clients to identify strengths and goals, develop individual success plans and access local resources. The AFA program provides free coaching and support relating to employment, financial management, educational opportunities. The employment coaching aspect includes resume building and interviewing etiquette. The financial management aspect includes helping clients understand and build credit, eliminate debt, and create and utilize a budget. Additionally, the educational opportunities aspect includes exploring GED/HSED assistance, continuing education opportunities and job training programs for adults and tutoring, enhancing relationships within families, boundaries and communication, addressing nutrition, exercise, mental health, and gaining healthy coping skills for youth.
Multi-Hub FAST (Families and Schools Together)
FAST is an innovative and collaborative prevention and parent-involvement program in which families gather to participate in specific, fun, researched based activities aimed at strengthening families and empowering parents. Schools, families and two community partners join together in eight weekly sessions. During the 2 1/2 hour sessions families spend the first hour participating in research-based family activities that include a family meal, games, music and crafts and then the group separates into child and parent groups for the second hour. During this time parents participate in a peer led group discussing topics and concerns they are interested in while building an informal support network. Children participate in hands on activities, story time, games, and crafts. In the last 30 minutes of the program parent and child dyads take part in 15 minutes of special play and the group closes with announcements a lottery, and a final group activity called RAI.
Housing Resources, INC. - Racine
Racine Financial Empowerment Center
The Racine FEC provides free, professional, one-on-one financial counseling and coaching to City of Racine residents. The Racine FEC’s professionally trained and certified financial counselors help residents reduce debt, improve their credit, learn budgeting and financial management skills, increase their savings for both short-term emergencies and longer-term financial goals, connect to safe and affordable banking products, and more. All FEC counseling is completely free and confidential and open to all City residents age 18+.
Racine Family YMCA
The School Achievers
School Achievers is an after-school academic support and leadership development program for youth in grades 25 that promotes positive behavioral and academic outcomes. The program serves these youth at school sites in some of Racine’s most challenged neighborhoods with tutoring, homework assistance, tutoring, leadership group sessions and structured activities. The program collaborates closely with the administration and leadership of the schools that host the programs. The schools provide space for the program within their buildings and provide data used to measure student success.
Racine Vocational Ministry, INC.
RVM Walk-in Program
Racine Vocational Ministry’s Walk-In program serves all of Racine County. Last year it assisted approximately 150 participants providing: community outreach, comprehensive intake, employment readiness and life skills training, employment counseling, intensive case management, job referral and placement, employer recruitment, work experience, educational and employment support. Walk-In participants are those who, for many reasons, need supportive services and assistance in finding employment. United Way funding allows RVM to serve some of Racine’s most under-served residents who are almost universally in desperate need of employment, job support and long-term vocational guidance.
The ARC of Racine County, Inc.
Special Education Advocacy Program
The Special Education Advocacy Program serves parents of children ages 3-21 who have an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD). We provide IEP review, IEP meeting support, educational programs for students and families, and parent workshops on disability issues, rights and laws, and on the IEP process.
RUSD Annual Report
The Community Schools impact is featured on page 8 of the Racine Unified School District 2021-22 annual report!
Walking School Bus featured on CBS 58's One Good Thing
Check out this short video on CBS 58 talking about how the Walking School Bus helps kids make it to school on time.
Community Newsletter: BeLEAF Survivors
Check out this article on BeLEAF Survivors programming and counseling opportunities at Academies of Racine at Mitchell Community School.
Black History Month event at Mitchell
Check out Mitchell's first ever Black History Month Celebration with this article from Racine Journal Times.
Quick Facts about Academies of Racine Mitchell Community School
These Quick Facts sheets about Academies of Racine at Mitchell Community School offers a glimpse into the work being done at the school and the impact that work is having on the community.
Mitchell is United Way of Racine County's first K-8 community school.
Mitchell is United Way of Racine County's only community school partnered with BeLEAF Survivors to provide sexual assault services.
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